Community Convenience

Providing walkable streets and housing choices where residents of all ages and incomes can shop, eat, go to school and enjoy their neighborhoods.

Transportation Options

Transportation choice clearly has a big impact on how much congestion affects people’s quality of life, health and well being.


Preserving natural areas, open space and local parks for your enjoyment, opportunities for active living for today and in the future.

Fiscal Responsibility

Making sure your tax dollars are spent wisely by encouraging growth where we can provide the needed infrastructure.

Planning Ahead

Linking development and transportation decisions that address climate change and ensure an open and predictable planning process.

By modifying local municipalities zoning regulations, Broward County’s communities will become more walkable, healthy and sustainable for the future of our County. The photos depict a “before and after” scenario of a typical auto-oriented corridor
as a result of zoning policies that did not address smart growth principles.

  1. Auto-oriented uses that focus on vehicles only

  2. Dominated design of the road is for cars

  3. Narrow sidewalks with no physical barriers from vehicles

  4. Blank walls and no pedestrian shelter

Local municipalities are able to incorporate smart growth policies throughout their land development regulations to focus on the following elements:

  1. Regulate the number of lanes needed in a walkable environment

  2. Bike lanes are required to help increase multi-modal transport

  3. On-street parking requirements aid in traffic calming and provide opportunities to park and walk to a variety of services

  4. Landscaping standards provide aesthetics and safety for the pedestrian

  5. Wider sidewalks provide opportunities for interaction with other people

  6. Transparent windows, awnings, and active retail encourage walking a street

  7. Providing a range of housing allows for a 24-hour place to live, shop, and work